
570-285-4757 | [email protected]

Extended Distant Reiki Session

The Extended Distant Reiki session features all the elements of the original distant session as described below. However, the telephone consultation is extended to an hour, and includes elements of a Spiritual Guidance session. This service was developed by popular request, and is perfect for those who wish to have a deeper understanding of themselves and the Reiki experience.

Distant Reiki is as effective as an in-person Reiki session, even though the recipient is not in the same room. Remember that Reiki is precisely directed energy. The effects of distant Reiki are as profound as those experienced during an in-person session.

The Extended Distant Reiki Session includes:

~ An hourlong in-depth conversation to determine goals for session and areas of concern. It also touches upon the client’s spiritual journey thus far, and often provides insights about their unique human experience in this lifetime.
~ Complete Holy Fire III Reiki session, including chakra balancing, grounding, Light Channel activation and use of intuitively chosen crystals as deemed necessary by Kathleen.
~ Audio session report emailed to client within 48 hours, along with photos and identification of crystals used.
~ Follow-up email or text to answer questions (as needed)