~ The AAP Program is Officially Launched!~
When I last posted here, the calendar (and the weather) told me it was February. What happened? Is time really going by faster or is it just me? Personally, I think it’s a little of both.
A substantial chunk of time has been devoted to collaborating with Jodie Helm as we prepared to launch our project that was designed and created by the Archangels. As of mid-March, the Angelic Activation Practitioner (AAP) Program is live!
We are so grateful and honored to bring this to you, and I invite you to take a look at the page. As a result of this new endeavor, I have added two new services to my offerings – Angelic Soul Activations (ASA) and Angelic Activation Practitioner Activations (AAPA) .
As I stated above, the entire project was created and designed by the Archangels and delivered to us through channeling by Jodie. They continue to guide, assist, and inspire us as we actively engage with them in a very practical way. As you can imagine, my relationship with the Archangels has become more profound, personal, and meaningful. They continue to teach me in ways I could never have imagined, and my gratitude is boundless.
Jodie and I are delighted for the opportunity to bring the messages and support of the Archangels to all who are open to receiving them. And to recognize and empower Angelic souls on Earth, so they may step into their divine purpose with grace, intention, and love.
Here at UniverSoul Heart, “home base for my spiritual life on planet Earth,” I continue to offer some Monday and Tuesday appointments in addition to others throughout the week. This is to better accommodate the appointment calendar, which fills up quickly. I’m told that the need for healing is greater than ever before, and far exceeds available healers. I’m heartened to observe that many are responding to their soul’s direction and answering the call to become healers, whether it is for their personal healing, that of loved ones, or a professional calling. Each one of us has the ability to heal others, whether through a kind word, a loving gesture, a smile, a much-needed hug, or any act of service. My guides and the Angels remind me often that service to others is why we are here, and that no act of service is too small. I am acutely aware of this when I channel Reiki for others; it is a humbling privilege to stand in service through the gift of Reiki.
I continue to offer Holy Fire Reiki Sessions and Spiritual Guidance to both new and returning clients, and remain committed to working with those “who are serious about their spiritual path, understanding their divine purpose as well as their role during this tumultuous period in our planet’s evolution. These are the individuals who are ready and willing to begin the challenge of their personal deep healing, face their shadow, and do their ‘heavy lifting.’ They confront the fear that accompanies these worthy tasks, and courageously move ever closer to their true authentic selves.”
The above is a channeled description from my guides of my “ideal” client; in other words, the individuals with whom I may work to further their purpose and alignment with their souls and spirit.
Courage is especially relevant at this time as we move ever deeper into the throes of The Shift. I have great respect for those willing to take on the challenges of moving into wholeness and authenticity during these unprecedented times, and I remember that each of us has agreed to be here on Earth NOW to participate in this momentous event.
My guides continue to emphasize the necessity of “doing our work” at this time. The tipping point into a higher dimension is ever closer, which is why we are being called to step up and clean our houses, so to speak. Self-care is critical, and is an integral part of doing our work. Coming from a place of love instead of fear can smooth the often rough edges of life on Earth these days.
As a Holy Fire III Reiki practitioner, I am deeply honored to work with these brave souls.
If you are called to work with me, you may schedule a Reiki or Spiritual Guidance session here. Or, if you’d like more information about my work to see if it is a good fit, please consider scheduling a Complimentary Initial Consultation.
It is a joy to assist you on your journey. And as always, I trust Reiki and Spirit to continue showing me the way forward.
By honoring the guidance, I honor myself, and have absolute trust that my path will unfold as needed.💜
Thank you for your support for UniverSoul Heart, my spiritual home, to which you are always welcome. The connections I’ve made with all the beautiful souls are forever engraved upon my soul, and I am eternally grateful.
Finally, be kind to yourself every day in every way for every year we are granted the gift of life on planet earth. The Archangels often remind us that each one of us is worthy, enough, and unconditionally loved.
Sending you all love, light, peace, Angel hugs, and Reiki ~ Kathleen