Once you, with Reiki’s loving guidance, are comfortable that a home-based practice is the right choice, the next step is to consider the benefits, as well as the drawbacks, of practicing Reiki from your home. The following information illustrates both perspectives, along with some insights and lessons from my experiences in managing a professional home-based practice.
Benefits of a Home-Based Practice
Of course, there are many advantages to the home-based practice, which is why this choice continues to be popular among Reiki practitioners. Some of these include:
- No Commuting – When your business is in your home, the commute involves nothing more than walking into another room, or in my case, down a flight of stairs. After years of commuting and traveling during my previous career in public law enforcement, this benefit was very appealing to me. And I still appreciate the luxury of catching up on correspondence in my pajamas, while sipping my morning coffee.
- The Option to Multitask – Working from home allows you to keep up with household tasks throughout the day if you are so inclined. In my practice, I schedule lengthy breaks between clients for self-care, as well as for attending to household responsibilities. For example, laundry can be caught up, and dinner preparations started during the workday. For me, this benefit is quite valuable and allows much more peaceful evenings.
- Your Schedule is Your Own – Depending on your lifestyle, this benefit allows you to create more time for a balance between work and family life. The ability to tailor the work schedule according to your personal and family obligations is, from my perspective, priceless. When my son was training as a Reiki Master, he often assisted me during client sessions (with the client’s consent). I am very grateful for the opportunity to share those moments with him, and having a home-based practice made the experience effortless.
- Low Startup Costs – The potential cost of rent and utilities is a significant concern for many new business owners, and not having that responsibility is a leading financial benefit of a home-based practice. The practitioner is free to use existing startup funds to create the healing space as well as to purchase necessary office supplies, according to individual desires and specifications. This was a great relief to me as I developed my practice, and I was able to focus on creating a warm, welcoming environment for my clients and students.
- Income Tax Benefits – There are numerous tax deductions and write-offs for a home-based business, including portions of utility bills, home maintenance and repair, insurance, and other expenses associated with owning a home. Of course, it is essential to consult with an income tax expert so as not to violate any tax laws. When I launched my practice, I met with an accountant for advice and guidance, and the cost of the consultation was also tax-deductible!
- Zero Office Politics – This may sound like an odd benefit, but is worth mentioning. If you have ever worked in an office environment, you are probably familiar with office “drama” and “politics.” Reiki practitioners tend to be sensitive, compassionate individuals, and the harshness of office politics can be quite jarring. Speaking for myself as an empath and sensitive soul, I was often exhausted and depleted by the gossip, power struggles, and underhanded behavior of some of my colleagues. Because of those experiences, I am very appreciative of the quiet serenity of my home-based practice.
Disadvantages of a Home-Based Practice
In making a fully informed decision, it is necessary to include some potential disadvantages:
- Feeling Isolated – Working and living in the same location can be a bit restrictive for some individuals. And although I truly enjoy and savor solitude, there are times I miss the company of co-workers, if only to catch up on their news or to discuss a new idea. However, I am grateful for a solid support system of friends with whom I can socialize if and when cabin fever strikes.
- Everything is Your Responsibility – It is very liberating to be responsible only to yourself; however, there is a downside to that freedom. There is no delegating of responsibility, so the home-based Reiki professional must strive to be disciplined and motivated. Procrastination can easily set in; after all, there are many distractions present in a home environment. To keep myself current with scheduling and correspondence, I set aside blocks of time throughout the week that are dedicated solely to administrative tasks, and adhere to those times. This simple technique has served me well.
- Boundaries Can be an Issue – If you live with your family (or any other people) and work from home, the boundaries between the two worlds can easily blur. It is essential to be transparent with family members about the separation between work and home. For example, although my family has always been respectful of my time with clients, boundary issues arose during the times I set aside for administrative tasks, particularly in the early days of my practice. My sons regularly interrupted me at my desk, which made it challenging to complete the work. So, I established clear time boundaries and assured them they would have my full attention when my workday ended. This simple solution has been useful for eight years. Although each practitioner’s living situation is different, boundaries between work and home must be respected.
- You’re Always at Work – When your home and office are in the same physical location, it can sometimes feel that you are always “at work.” Of course, because of technology making everyone so accessible, even those who work outside the home can feel this way, but the physical closeness of the workspace in the home intensifies the perception. Because my healing space and workspace are in a separate area of the house, it is easier for me to disengage from business at the end of the day. However, it is still challenging at times for me to create a mental separation from “work.” During those times, I invite the loving energy of Reiki to assist me in clearing, centering, and grounding. It is always there for us when we need it.
These abovementioned benefits and disadvantages are those that I have experienced in my home-based Reiki business. However, each practitioner’s experience will be different and unique, as is each Reiki practice. With that in mind, each practitioner must decide upon the best choices for their Reiki business. It is my sincere hope and intention that you allow the gentle wisdom of Reiki to be your “business partner,” for it will always guide you, in accordance with your Highest Good.
© 2018 Kathleen Johnson